<p> 宁波市花园园林建设有限公司成立于1995年,是一家集景观工程规划、设计及施工于一体的综合性大中型园林景观企业。公司现有风景园林专项设计乙级、林业调查规划设计丙级、国家城市园林绿化二级、市政工程二级、古建三级等行业资质。公司获得过国家优秀园林绿化工程金奖,在当地是一家成立较早的著名园林公司。 现因公司在宁波和丰文化创意广场新组建《宁波城市花园景观设计有限公司》急需招聘设计人员。设计部联系人:马主任 电话:0574-87499636有意者请以电话联系。 我们的基本要求是热爱这个行业、有团队精神、敬业、好学。Ningbo Landscape Construction LTD. is built in 1995. That is a comprehensive inter-medium enterprise mainly works on garden architecture and landscaping, including landscaping project programming, design and construction incorporated. Aptitudes held include:  Scenery landscape engineering patent design qualification, 2nd class Forestry inventory and planning qualification, 3rd class National city landscape virescence qualification, 2nd class Municipal engineering qualification, 2nd class Ancient building qualification, 3rd class, etc.We have been awarded the golden prize of national excellence landscape virescence engineering. The company was built in early stage in local and it is well known by industry trend in nation.By the reason of lacking design in our newly built filiale: <Ningbo city garden landscape designing LTD.>, thus, we provide several vacancies for designers.Designing Department Contact Person: Dir. MA hong ya TEL: 0574-87499636Contact us if you are interested in any of the following positions. Passion, teamwork, dedicated spirit and curiousness are treated as our basic demand.